Posted January 25, 2012 in AntiAging
2 minute read
A shift in the age of our clients today and their preferences for less invasive, quick fixes that really do work, accounts for the innovations of the past 10 years. Younger people are having more done – sooner. Prevention and restoration…especially facial work (skin lasers, fillers, blepharoplasty, lip augmentation and mini-lifts) are the new order of the day.
Generation X’ers (31-45 yrs old) had 43% of last years procedures done while the Baby Boomers (ages 51 to 64) came in second with 28%. Career demands are driving younger people into our surgery centers in ever rising numbers…and the demand for less invasive, no downtime, anti aging options is paramount. Of course, Hollywood & Nashville Celebs have led the charge in their relentless fight against aging.
Dolly Parton recently said that if she sees something sagging, dragging or bagging, she will have it nipped and tucked…and she loves Botox!
Men are getting facelifts, nose jobs (rhinoplasty), liposuction and body contouring as they prefer to remove flaws rather than enhance features.
Prevention, customization and natural results are the main focus today…using non invasive, advanced treatments such as liquid facelifts, and Botox nose jobs. Volumization and recontouring (instead of pulling) has replaced older procedures that truly make you look younger…naturally.
Next time, I’ll launch into some of these fabulous age defying solutions. The Celebs really can’t keep secrets!
Come in soon so we can define your best options for 2012.
At Davinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science so you can look & feel your best…naturally.