Otoplasty – Ear Pinning in Washington D.C.

Prominent ears that noticeably stick out can make children and adults feel self-conscious about the way they look. Also known as ear pinning, otoplasty is the safe and efficient way to restore a more pleasing facial appearance by positioning the ears closer to the head. Because of this surgery, children and adults notice a significant improvement in the size and shape of their ears as well as an increased confidence in their appearance.

Who Can Benefit?

Children Over Six

Teasing caused by large ears can have an adverse impact on the psyche of young children. Otoplasty is recommended for children before they enter school to avoid unnecessary harassment and teasing. By the age of six, the ears have reached 90 percent of their adult size and can be repositioned without dramatic changes in the future.


Prominent ears can still be a source of anxiety and embarrassment for many adults. Ear pinning is versatile enough to provide dramatic and pleasing results for people over the age of 18. Improving your ear shape can help you feel more confident with your appearance, and, in some cases, it can help mature your appearance.

Good Health

Ear pinning is designed to help individuals who have prominent ears that stick out. It is not meant to treat other genetic defects that may have distorted the appearance of the ear; however, there are other procedures available to help people with genetic ear abnormalities. You should be in good general health before undergoing any routine surgical procedure.

What Do You Desire

Addressing Your Concerns


There is little downtime associated with otoplasty recovery. You may experience some bruising and swelling following your surgery. Children should be able to return to school within a week, and adults can resume work after a few days. Rest with your head elevated for several days, and avoid activities that may injure or affect the ears for one to two months.


Incisions are made behind the ears and typically don’t result in any visible scarring.


Many factors affect the cost of otoplasty. Geographical location, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and surgeon fees alter the total cost of your procedure. However, the price should only be one factor in choosing a surgeon. You should never sacrifice quality work by a board-certified plastic surgeon just to save some money. Proven results matter. Financing is available if needed.


There may be mild discomfort associated with otoplasty. Immediately following your surgery, it is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, and soreness. To control the pain, you will be prescribed an oral pain medication and should schedule downtime for at least a few days after your surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Otoplasty

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

If you think that Otoplasty surgery may be beneficial for you or wish to learn more about the Otoplasty procedures we offer, please contact DAVinci Plastic Surgery today. Call (202) 966-9590 or fill out our contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Washington D.C.

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