Rhinoplasty Revision in Washington D.C.

People of all ages and ethnicities decide to undergo rhinoplasty for various reasons. This procedure requires precision and delicacy to ensure the desired results are achieved without interrupting the breathing function of the nose. Rhinoplasty revision, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, can be performed when the results of an initial rhinoplasty are undesirable, or the function of the nose is impaired. Dr. Davison is specially trained in this procedure and utilizes his experience and skills to provide improved nasal contours and functionality.

Who Can Benefit?

Patients who are unhappy with the results of a previous nose surgery, are finished growing, are in good health, and have realistic expectations for their outcome are ideal candidates for rhinoplasty revision. Concerns that can be addressed with rhinoplasty revision include:

Nasal Structure

If the results of your initial rhinoplasty are unsatisfactory, rhinoplasty revision can adjust the shape and size of your nose for better proportions and enhanced facial balance.

Breathing Function

In some cases, breathing issues may not have been addressed or have developed after an initial nose surgery. Rhinoplasty revision is designed to remove obstructions, open the nasal passageways, and improve breathing.


The main goal of rhinoplasty is to enrich the self-confidence of each patient and provide satisfying results. Rhinoplasty revision can correct imperfections to boost your self-esteem and produce results to match your personal goals and desires.

Rhinoplasty Revision Techniques

Addressing Any Concerns


You may experience mild swelling and bruising directly after your surgery, similar to your initial rhinoplasty. Your nose may be packed with surgical cotton and wrapped with bandages and a splint to support healing. You will need someone to drive you home and remain with you for the first night. Sleep with your head elevated for the first two days to minimize swelling. Most patients resume work and light activities one week after their procedure. Avoid strenuous activities and any lifting, bending, or straining for at least three weeks.


Incisions will leave small scars, but they should be virtually undetectable. For the closed technique, incisions are hidden inside of your nose. The open technique leaves a small scar underneath your nose. Scars fade over time and can be concealed with cosmetics.


The cost of your surgery will vary based on various factors, such as anesthesia, prescription medications, surgical dressings, facility fees, and other associated costs. If your rhinoplasty revision is being conducted for medical or functional reasons, then insurance may help cover the costs. Consult with your insurance provider to obtain more information. Financing is an option, so please discuss the details with our DAVinci Plastic Surgery front office staff.


Patients usually experience mild discomfort due to swelling and nasal packing. Any swelling, stuffiness, and bruising should begin to lessen within three days and dissipate within two weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty Revision

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

If you think that a Rhinoplasty Revision may be beneficial for you or wish to learn more about the Rhinoplasty Revison procedure, please contact DAVinci Plastic Surgery today. Call (202) 966-9590 or fill out our contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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