Rhinoplasty in Washington D.C.

The nose can be a subject of admiration or detestation due to its prominent, central location on the face. Individuals whose noses are large, flat, wide, and/or crooked as well as people who have large nostrils, a bulbous nasal tip, or a variety of other concerns about their nose can benefit from rhinoplasty. More casually referred to as “nose surgery,” rhinoplasty can improve the contour, shape, size, appearance, and even the functionality of the nose. Rhinoplasty can permanently improve the appearance of the nose and improve facial harmony.

Who Can Benefit From Rhinoplasty?

If you are interested in pursuing rhinoplasty, you may find yourself in one of the following categories of patients.

Cosmetic Nasal Defects

Most candidates for rhinoplasty fall into this category. Cosmetic nasal defects include a variety of concerns ranging from personal dislike for the appearance of the nose to genetic deformities that are viewed as socially and culturally unattractive. These patients will typically have an idea of what their ideal nose would look like and hope that rhinoplasty can help them achieve it.

Injured Nose

Some candidates for rhinoplasty may have had no concerns about their noses until an unexpected injury occurred. While injuries most often occur at sporting events, any number of causes may injure the nose so significantly as to permanently mar its appearance or functionality. Individuals with injured noses can have their nasal functionality and appearance restored with rhinoplasty.

Poor Nasal Function

While most candidates for rhinoplasty desire cosmetic correction, other candidates seek to correct poor nasal function. With rhinoplasty, the internal nasal structures can be adjusted and manipulated to allow for improved nasal breathing. When performed solely to improve nasal function, the procedure may be called septoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be performed for both purposes to improve nasal function and appearance.

What Do You Desire From Your Rhinoplasty?

Addressing Your Concerns

What Is My Rhinoplasty Recovery Like?

After rhinoplasty, the nose will be bandaged and held in place with a splint for several days. Patients should sleep with their heads elevated to minimize swelling and bruising. Stitches will either dissolve or be removed after one week. Most patients can return to work one week after surgery. The nasal tissues will take a few months to heal, and the internal nasal tissues may continue to have minor swelling for up to one year. Despite any swelling, by one to two months after surgery, patients should be sufficiently healed to be able to resume strenuous exercise and physical activity.

Will I Have Scars After Rhinoplasty?

Your surgeon makes the incisions as inconspicuous as possible so that scarring will not be noticeable. Scarring will be mostly inside the nose and may include a minor scar beneath the tip of the nose.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?

Factors that affect the cost of rhinoplasty include geographic location, surgeon’s fees, anesthesia fees, and facility fees. While it is typically paid for by the patient, in some cases, insurance may cover the cost of your rhinoplasty procedure. Your surgeon will discuss your payment and coverage options with you during your consultation. Financing is available if needed.

Is Rhinoplasty Painful?

Some temporary discomfort can be expected after rhinoplasty, but it will be minor and can be alleviated with oral pain medication

before and after photo of rhinoplasty
before and after photo of rhinoplasty
before and after photo of rhinoplasty

Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

If you think that a Rhinoplasty may be beneficial for you or wish to learn more about the Rhinoplasty procedure, please contact DAVinci Plastic Surgery today. Call (202) 966-9590 or fill out our contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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