Thigh Lift in Washington D.C.

Excess skin and fat along the thighs can create the appearance of unsightly saddlebags. Tissue accumulation along the thighs can prevent clothing from fitting attractively, and you may become uncomfortable doing many of the activities you love. Unwanted thigh skin is usually caused by genetics, pregnancy, or weight gain. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell perform thigh lift surgery to restore the appearance of thinner, toned legs by contouring the thighs.

Who Can Benefit?

If you’re considering thigh lift surgery, you may fall into one of the following categories.

Excess Skin

If you are prone to skin laxity, you may find that you have excess skin along the thighs. This can cause painful irritation and discomfort for many women and men. Excess skin along the thighs can also create an unattractive appearance. A thigh lift can help improve skin laxity and create a firmer, more toned appearance.

Unwanted Fat

A poor thigh appearance is commonly caused by unwanted fat in addition to the excess skin. Patients with extra fat accumulation along the thighs can consider combining liposuction with their thigh lift. Treating excess fat can enhance your leg appearance by creating a slimmer contour and toned aesthetic.

Poor Appearance After Weight Loss

Patients who have achieved significant weight loss are the most common group of people who develop unsightly skin accumulation around the thighs. Choosing thigh lift after weight loss can help you feel more confident in your new body; eliminating the unwanted tissue will reveal the new contours of your body that you have been working hard to achieve.

What Do You Desire?

Addressing Your Concerns


It takes between four and six weeks to fully recover from thigh lift surgery. In the initial week, you will be required to rest and should avoid strenuous physical activities. After two weeks, you can slowly begin to resume your normal activities, but excess physical exertion, such as exercise, should only be done with your surgeon’s permission.


It is possible for a thigh lift to result in some slightly visible scarring, especially for patients who undergo a lateral (outer) thigh lift. Scarring is likely to fade over time.


Many factors affect the cost of thigh lift surgery. Geographical location, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and surgeon fees all alter the ultimate cost of your procedure. However, the price should only be one factor in choosing a surgeon. You should never sacrifice quality work by a board-certified plastic surgeon just to save some money; proven results matter. Financing is available if needed.


There is some slight pain associated with thigh lift surgery. Immediately following your surgery, it is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, and soreness. To control the pain, the doctor will prescribe an oral pain medication, and you should schedule downtime for at least a few days following your surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Thigh Lift Surgery

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

If you think that thigh lift surgery may be beneficial for you or wish to learn more about the thigh lift procedure, please contact DAVinci Plastic Surgery today. Call (202) 966-9590 or fill out our contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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